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As a local business, we care about our community!
If you would like to request a donation for your fundraiser, please complete the form below at least 30 DAYS PRIOR to the event date. We will only accept requests from inside the state of Missouri (preferably the Lee's Summit area). If your request is approved, you will receive an email and/or phone call from A Thyme for Everything to discuss the details of your donation request. If we cannot fill your request at this time, please feel free to resubmit a request for your next event as this is not a negative reflection on your event or organization. Please know that while we love contirubuting to our community, we receive an overwhleming number of requests and are unable to honor all of them. Requests for monetary contributions are not accepted.
Due to COVID-19, our ability to fulfill donation requests is extremely limited.
Thank you for thinking of us and considering our products and services worthy of your request for donation. NO PHONE CALLS, EMAILS, OR MAILED REQUESTS, PLEASE.